I'm New to The Church of St. Leo, Corona. Where Do I Start?

We are a Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Brooklyn that was founded more than one hundred years ago in Corona, NY. We share a common faith in Jesus Christ as we dedicate ourselves to a mission rooted in His teaching and example. We share the vision that all will come to know and participate in God’s gift of eternal salvation. 

Guided by the Spirit, we give witness to the Gospel through our lives as we offer welcome, compassion, and care for people of all ages in our multi-ethnic community. 

Welcome to Saint Leo Parish!

We give witness to the Gospel through our lives as we offer welcome and care for all in our multi-ethnic community.

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Si has estado asistiendo a la% {designation} por un tiempo pero aún no te has registrado, tómate un momento para% {link_open} registrarte% {link_close}. Esto nos permite tener tu información importante guardada de forma segura en nuestra base de datos para que podamos enviarte tus recibos de impuestos anuales, así como darte la oportunidad de administrar tu correo y configuración de los donativos.


Encontrar% {organización}

Contáctenos Horarios de misa

Horarios de confesión

Saturdays: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm or by appointment

Horarios de misa

5:30 pm English
7:30 pm Español

7:00 am Español
8:30 am Italian
10:00 am English
11:30 am Español
1:00 pm Español

9:00 am English - Monday - Saturday
7:30 pm Español - Tuesdays
7:30 pm Español - First Monday
7:30 pm Español - First Thursday                                                                              7:30 pm Español - First Friday 

Holy Days:                                                                                                                    
7:30 pm (Vigil) Español
9:00 am English
7:30 pm Español

Horario de oficina

Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-4:00PM
Lunch Break: 12:30PM-1:30PM
Saturday: CLOSED 
Sunday: 9:00AM-3:00PM

Misa: Qué esperar

The central Catholic act of worship is attending the Mass, or Divine Liturgy. The Mass is divided into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

During the first part, the priest leads us in prayer and songs, praising God, thanking Him, and asking Him for forgiveness. We hear Scripture readings, the priest gives a talk, and then we all pronounce the core principles of our faith. 

In the second part, the priest says the blessing, transforming bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. We all say the "Our Father" prayer, and then receive communion. Finally, there is a closing prayer and final blessing.

¿Por qué ir a misa? Sacramentos

A Letter from Very Reverend Carlos A.

We are a Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Brooklyn that was founded more than one hundred years ago in Corona, NY. We share a common faith in Jesus Christ as we dedicate ourselves to a mission rooted in His teaching and example. We share the vision that all will come to know and participate in God’s gift of eternal salvation. 

Guided by the Spirit, we give witness to the Gospel through our lives as we offer welcome, compassion, and care for people of all ages in our multi-ethnic community.

Welcome to Saint Leo Parish!

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